Thursday, October 16, 2008

An Autumn Evening

I was able to get out of the office today a little before 5:00 PM and get a quick ride in. Sunset in Appleton is about 6:15 these days, so a 20 or so miler was in order. Not the longest or most epic ride, just a ride after work. Weather was perfect. Temperature in the low 50's, no wind.

I ride a lot of miles, usually about 6000 a year. This year I'm just over 5000, so I don't know if I'll make it to 6000. But any way you look at it, I spend a lot of time on the bike. When you ride that much, you have times when you get a little burned out. I know this year, I didn't ride as many miles as I could have in August and September. Part of this was life was a little hectic. Part of it was probably that I was a little burned out. It happens.

My route tonight took me north of Appleton and back for a total of 22.9 miles. Nothing special, just flat farmland and country roads. Even the trees that surround the farmhouses have mostly lost their leaves. No moments when I had to get out with my camera phone and snap some pictures. But I really enjoyed the ride tonight, even though it was nothing special. I think part of it is the realization that the daylight is getting shorter and the temperatures getting crisper. In a matter of weeks, there will probably be snow covering these roads. So you appreciate that you can get out and do a ride now, because that opportunity probably won't be there in a few weeks.

This will not be my last ride of the year, but you start realizing that the year is winding down, so for me at least, I try to appreciate each one just a little more.

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